NRI Services
It has been seen that at times NRIs who have properties in Hyderabad like land, apartments etc., are not in a position to look after their properties / have to depend on relatives or old parents. Therefore, in addition to our property related services, we also offer NRI services for our NRI clients which include services that are given as under –
We also offer services for our NRI friends and customers which are enumerated as under: –
Existing Real estate Management Services:
New Apartments
(a) Taking over of a newly allotted/ purchased apartment
(b) Getting interiors done (Electrical fittings, Cupboards, lockers etc)
(c) Assisting in placing the said property on rent /lease, collection and depositing of rent if required, renewing of the rental agreement.
(d) Maintenance of the flat on vacation and subsequent placing on rent.
(e) Owner Repairs from time to time if required.
Rs 1000/-
Rs Nil if our services are taken for para 1(c)/Rs.1500/-
One month Rent
Rs 1000/ as per cost incurred
As per cost incurred
Existing Apartments
(a) Assisting in placing the said, If property on rent/lease, collection and depositing of rent if required, renewing of the rental agreement.
(b) Maintenance of the flat on vacation and subsequent placing on rent.
(c) Owner Repairs from time to time if required.
Rent and if new tenant then 15 days rent. If old tenant, continues then, no charges
Rs 1000/- /as per cost incurred
As per cost incurred
Landed property
(a) Securing the property by getting it fenced.
(b) Once a month Visit to the property and reporting of its security with photos and videos.
(c) Getting the property cleaned of foliage every six months.
Rs 1000/- + cost of the fencing
Rs 1000/-
Rs 1000/- As per cost incurred